Upcoming Events
Keep an eye out for upcoming events in the Fall!
Elections Interview!
Once your application is submitted, you will receive an email once the form closes to sign up for an interview time slot. We can’t wait to hear your speech!
HTC Recess
This Friday, March 5th, 12-1 PM EST, ASU is taking over the Howard Thurman Center for HTC Recess! Recess is a great way for students to come together in person to meet each other, to play some games, and to just relax from school work! If you're interested in attending Recess on Friday, check out this form!
*This event is capped at 25 people.

First General Meeting
Use this Zoom link to attend!

Breaking Boundaries 2020
Lets get back in action with Boston University Asian Student Union’s 4th annual speaker series on Asian Representation!
Introducing our first ever virtual BREAKING BOUNDARIES!
The main purpose of Breaking Boundaries as an event is to provide a platform for influential Asian individuals in their respective industries to share their stories, to inspire the Asian community as whole to make a difference in their own way, and to initiate conversation among our community.
Speaker #1:
Philip Wang, a Chinese-American producer, entrepreneur, and filmmaker.
Speaker #2:
Asian Boss Girl (ABG) is a podcast hosted by Chinese/Taiwanese-American entrepreneurs Helen Wu, Melody Cheng, and Janet Wang!
Speaker #3:
Sujata Day, an Indian-American actress, director, model, and screenwriter.
Visit our Facebook event for more information!

Dynasties (Families): Speed Dating
You’ve heard of bigs, littles, and families, but have you ever heard of Dynasties?? Come out to our ASU speed dating event next Saturday, Oct 17th @ 2 PM EDT to meet our dynasty leaders and join an ASU Dynasty 👑 What’s different about our dynasties from last semester, you might ask? This year there’s a twist: we are inviting our lovely general members to be 👸 dynasty leaders 🤴 !!! If you would like to be a Dynasty leader, you can sign up through the google form you’ll be receiving if you’re on our email list OR here on our facebook event page! We are all so excited and can't wait to see who joins this awesome ASU FamBam🤪

Join us for our 2nd General Meeting of this semester!! We’ll be introducing our ✨ new ✨ e-board members, talking about upcoming events (we have big big things planned), upcoming COLLABS 🤩 with other orgs, and most importantly, looking for an imposter Among Us. 👀
Meeting ID: 921 8438 1667

BUASU Fall 2020 Elections
Thinking about getting more involved in ASU? We are currently looking for Freshman Representative(s), a Graphic Design Chair, and Public Relations Chair(s)! You can run for up to two positions and feel free to reach out to ANY of our E-Board members if you have any questions because we are more than willing to chat with you! Read more about the position descriptions here.

Anti-Asian Sentiment Discussion
In this discussion, we will tackle the issue of anti-Asian sentiment that has grown from the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be a safe space to share opinions and personal experiences as well as learn about what we can do as a community to spread awareness and advocate for ourselves.

Operation: Makie-Blankie
We will be making blankets as a community service project. It is very simple and ASU will be able to provide a small amount of materials to participants, however, we will also be posting the materials need for this project so others can also join. In order to teach everyone how to make the blankets, we will all join a zoom call and socialize while crafting. Even if you are not making a blanket, we ENCOURAGE you to come in and chat with everyone!

Bites with ASU
We will be showcasing the cultures and traditions of our general members through food. Submit videos, photos, and recipes of food that you and your family have made or ordered from restaurants. These will be featured on our ASU's social media where everyone can enjoy them.

Welcome to our First General Meeting of Fall 2020! We are excited to meet all of you. In this meeting, we will introduce our organization and our upcoming events. We will also get to know one another through some games and activities. Hope to see you there!

Mentorship Speakers Panel #4: Social Life/Boston
Join us for a weekly panel series with ASU's E-Board via Zoom to help ease your experience at Boston University and answer any questions you may have. This panel will focus on the social life at BU and fun things to do in Boston.
Join ASU’s 2020 Mentorship Program for more event info!

Mentorship Speakers Panel #3: Career/Major
Join us for a weekly panel series with ASU's E-Board via Zoom to help ease your experience at Boston University and answer any questions you may have. This panel will cover how to choose your major and how to pursue a career in college.
Join ASU's 2020 Mentorship Program for more event info!

Mentorship Speakers Panel #2: Extracurriculars
Join us for a weekly panel series with ASU's E-Board via Zoom to help ease your experience at Boston University and answer any questions you may have. This panel will cover extracurricular activities on and off campus and how to get involved during your college career.
Join ASU's 2020 Mentorship Program for more event info!

Mentorship Speakers Panel #1: General
Join us for a weekly panel series with ASU's E-Board via Zoom to help ease your experience at Boston University and answer any questions you may have. This panel will cover general college advice and will be your introduction to BU, ASU, and the ASU Mentorship Program.
Join ASU's 2020 Mentorship Program for more event info!