Welcome to our Blog!

As we enter 2021 with a future of ambiguity and seemingly endless, yet necessary distance, we wanted to devise a system of interconnectedness—a method of sharing creative expression despite the distance between all of us. 

This blog is a means of exploring various issues and subjects that are pertinent to our current climate to uplift the unheard, marginalized voices in our society. This blog is meant to be something permanent and long-lasting, an established area where we can continuously approach topics that are addressed too intermittently and too fleetingly. 

All our communities are so diverse, and every single voice and story within our communities are valuable and need to be heard. 

 Submit a Blog Post!

Do you want to be featured on our blog? Every month we will have a new theme or topic that our blog will be centered around. You can choose whether to be anonymous and are free to submit any form of creative expression relating to the theme*.

*The blog moderators will be reviewing all submissions and deciding whether or not it will be featured on the blog